REAL LAWENDER Purple- Lavandula angustifolia Pack of 30 pieces
TRUE LAVENDER Purple- Lavandula angustifolia cm
- perennial, unique, beautiful plant that should find a place in every garden. The substitute of Provence in your garden!
The evergreen subshrub forms compact clumps that reach a height of 40-50 cm. Lavender has wonderful, silvery and fragrant leaves that have mosquito repellent properties.
Lavender is characterized by dark purple flowers and an intense aroma. Ideal for sunny borders, balconies, terraces. (Pruning recommended after flowering).
It is an easy plant to grow. Likes sunny, dry, well-drained loamy soil.
The variety we have for sale is frost resistant
So we recommend it as a year-round, evergreen plant.
The scent of lavender repels mosquitoes and ticks!
Target height: 45-50 cm
Height of the offered seedling: 10 - 20 cm
Flowers: dark purple, fragrant, collected in ears
Leaves: silvery, evergreen
It blooms: from June to October
Soil: well drained, loamy-sandy
Form: bushy, compact tuft (rapid growth)
Location: sunny, dry