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We bring life into your garden - large product selection & low prices
We bring life into your garden - large product selection & low prices

garden fleece

Anyone who dreams of a well-kept garden has a lot to do in every season: sowing, planting, raking and watering - boredom is a foreign word for garden lovers. But why shouldn't you make your work a little easier? Garden fleece makes your daily work much easier because, among other things, they help your plants grow.

More and more gardeners are opting for garden fleece to provide their flowers and vegetables with optimal growing conditions.

A garden fleece is a white braid made of polypropylene. This is a light, fine and flexible fabric that consists of long fibers and has varying thicknesses (basis weight) over the area. A garden fleece is light and water permeable. At the same time, it has a high UV resistance. Since it promotes plant growth, the garden fleece is also known as a harvest advancement fleece. Frost protection fleeces, on the other hand, are garden fleeces with a thicker fabric. These protect your plants even more from cold temperatures. Weed fleece, on the other hand, has an opaque layer that prevents weed growth.


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